Certificate Factory

> Certificate Factory

Elliptix Certificate Factory

A Private Key Infrastructure as a Service (PKIaaS)

Order then get secured certificates from our certificate factory in an eye blink, within the best-of-breed security level.

Simple and efficient : one can make an order for a series of certificates just by sending webservice requests

Flexible : no engagement. Pay once when creating the first certificate format, then per certificate ordered and received !

Industrial level : the service presents an availabiltiy level of 99.9% and can manage volumes of thousands of certificates per order

Secured : VPN access + authentication with encrypted OpenID Connect token, comprehensive traceability

In this diagram, dark blue services are brought by the Elliptix cloud

Based on the current global technical standards

Elliptix Certificate Factory complies with the European eIDAS and GDPR regulation

The solution implements the following technical standards :

  • Secured authentication with the OpenID Connect / OAuth2 model and the JWT authentication tokens. Easy and secured.
  • Protocol : https RESTful webservice
  • JSON data transport

Want to know more about Elliptix Certificate Factory ?

Digital Trust

More and more, creating and maintaining e-businesses require a high level of digital trust.

The digital trust relies on the following concepts :

  • Authentication : Does the user of the system is who he pretends to be ?
  • Access rights : Does the user havbe the rights to access this information, or the right to perform that action ?
  • Privacy and Integrity : Are business information and personal data well protected against theft and tampering ?
  • Non-repudiation : What is the proof that the user ordered that action ?
  • Traceability : Who did what when ?
    • Authentication of the user
    • Link between the user and the action
    • Timestamping : When did the action occurred ?
    • Intégrity : Have the digital traces been tampered since they were saved ?


The solutions allowing to cope with these requirements are notably regulated by 2014/910 European Regulation (so said eIDAS) and the 2016/679 European regulation (so said GDPR). A broad part of the solutions rely on cryptography, these extremely robust mathematical technics of cyphering/decyphering.

The digital cryptography has its own technical standards, where X509 certificates have a prominent role. Certificates are distributed to persons (to authenticate on systems, sign documents, or simply circulate in buildings), to connected objects (to authenticate), and to central systems (for all kinds of digital trust operations).

In reason of its technical complexity and required know-how, the digital trust market remains a matter of specialists whose services are often long and costly.

At Elliptix, we want to enable access to IT security for any organisation size.